Token Editor

The Token Editor lets you modify token values with functions, regular expressions, indexing, and formatting. These editing options are also available in the Token Dialog.

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To open the Token Editor

  1. When modifying the properties of a workflow activity, right-click any token that appears in a text box.
  2. Select ClosedToken Editor.

Example: Bill wants to rename entries with the current month and year. In the Rename Entry activity's New Entry Name Closedproperty box, he selects the Date token by clicking the Token button (right arrow) . Because the Date token is replaced by the current month, day, and year, Bill needs to modify the token so it only returns the month and year. To access the token editing options, he right-clicks the token and selects Token Editor.

To use the Token Editor

  1. In the ClosedToken Editor select one or more of the following options: Apply Function, Apply Index, Apply Formatting, and/or Apply Regular Expressions.

Note: Operations in the Token Editor are applied in the following order: function, index, formatting, regular expression.

  1. Optional: Test your token. After applying a token function, regular expression, index, or formatting, click the Click here to test the token link. In the Test Value box, type in one or more sample token values. (You can test a multi-value token by typing values on multiple lines.) The Result Value box will show how the options you configured above will affect the token's value.
  2. Click OK.